Video Job Interviews During COVID-19

In this post Covid world it is becoming far more popular to hold video interviews usually using Skype, Google Meet or Zoom and you should be prepared for this.

Have the software prepared!

Do you own a laptop or iPad with the correct downloaded apps?

There is nothing worse than not being prepared for this with the correct tech kit and practise with a friend, family member or even with with us at RSB prior to your video interview to ensure no hiccups.

What should I wear?

You should treat this as a normal face to face interview – so whatever you were going to wear with a face to face interview you should do exactly the same for a video interview.

Your Background and Environment is Super Important

You will usually hold the video interview at home so ensure no interruptions and pay attention to the background behind you. Make sure it is quiet so they can hear you with no dogs barking !

How do we Start the Interview?

Usually the employer will formally invite you via email to join the video session and sometimes the recruiter will forward this to you. Click the link and be ready and on time.

Recorded video interview

It is quite common for employers to record the video interview which they will tell you in advance. This way they can revisit the recording when they choose to and show others within the organisation you are the right person.


Preparing for Job Interviews in 2020


What should you Wear to a Job Interview?