Preparing for a Second Interview Round
Congratulations you have made it to the second interview, but we see many candidates fail at this stage due to being overconfident.
Remember it is quite normal to be first interviewed by a ‘first line’ Manager who clearly liked you and felt you were a good fit for the business and he or she has recommended you to his/her line manager for a second interview.
The second interview is normally the most important interview as you will usually be interviewed by the person who will actually make the final decision and they have not seen you before – they simply have a copy of your CV and a good recommendation from their ‘first-line’ Manager.
They don’t actually know you and you should act as though this is the first interview and be even more prepared than you were first time around.
As well as the chance for any employer to find out more about you, the second interview is your opportunity to make sure this really is the job of your dreams. Prepare a selection of new questions and practice so you remember them.
Knowledge is power for both parties, so don’t be afraid to probe deeper and dig out the details.